We are super excited to announce that HAVU is the winner of Nordic Natural Beauty Awards in the lipstick category! In addition, HAVU got specially rewarded with the Best Package Design in 2020! We are extremely proud to be one of the best Nordic natural cosmetics brands, among the other amazing products! 🌿
Nordic Natural Beauty Awards was launched in March 2020, and it is the first-ever online awards of its’ kind, celebrating solely all-natural, Nordic cosmetics. The awards’ jury consists of 50 Nordic, internationally renowned stars coming from different fields – such as music, cinema, sports, and fashion. In 2020, there are 46 products nominated from 22 brands, competing in 18 categories under makeup, skincare, body care, and hair care. The products entering the awards must be made of 100% natural ingredients and shall not contain any harmful ingredients. Read more about Nordic Natural Beauty Awards from here.